Archives for September 2015

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Oh When the Saints are Generous

Generous. We love when people are generous with us. Generous with their money. Generous with their time. Generous with their forgiveness and grace. God has called the Saints to be the same, generous. Let's let go of the tight fist we have around our money and time and be known as a people who are generous with all that God has given. ...

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Oh When the Saints Fast and Pray

We love the Saints!! And in spite of last week's game we are still rooting and cheering for that black and gold. But more than we love those New Orleans Saints, God LOVES the Saints of God and he has issued us a call to action. It's time. Don't just sit on the sidelines, let's get in the action of the game and become all that God has intended the church to be....

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Acting With Tenacity

Wow!! What a great series as we learned of how we are set apart and called to do great things for God. We encourage you to walk in the Anointing that God has given, live Pure and Holy lives, be Accountable in your friendships, find that SecRet place, and be Tenacious. What a great example if the life of David. Let's do everything that God has called us to...

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Find That Secret Place

As we study the life of King David we see that he was anointed, pure, and accountable but he also had a Secret Place. He found it as shepherd boy but developed this place all the years of his life. His Secret Place was under the Shadow of the Almighty. What about you? Have you developed a secret place that moves past church attendance and an occasional reading of the B...

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