Generous But Not Foolish

November 1, 2020 Speaker: Tara Detiveaux Series: Generous Kind Grateful

Topic: Generosity Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:18– :19

Generous But Not Foolish 1 Timothy 6:18-19 They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

To be generous is to be like Christ. To be ready to share is to be like Christ. Generous: liberal in giving : openhanded marked by abundance characterized by a noble or kindly spirit : kindly a generous heart

I love being around generous people. Giving people are a blessing.

There are some things we just need to be as generous as you can, be generous in kindness, let it overflow, generous in loving others, generous in forgiveness and joy. Be Generous.

Generosity should overflow from the believers heart. (Ex of Pitcher Overflowing into a Vase)

But in Wisdom, Generosity has to flow from something that you have.

To be generous in kindness, you have to know the kindness of Christ.

To be generous in love, you have to know the love that God has given through Jesus.

To be generous in forgiveness, you have to be forgiven.

You can’t give what you don’t have.

It is imperative to not be foolish with your generosity.

Generous but Not Foolish With Your Time

People deserve your time. It’s a way to show love. It’s a way to pour into the next generation. We only have so much of it then and so we are to be generous showing a readiness to give more of something than is strictly necessary or expected.

But in order to run the race and finish well you can not be foolish with your time. I’m not talking about not binge watching Netflix for days on end (if you are you need to stop) or social media, or games, or sports, or those things that are eating up you time and you have nothing to show for it, be careful and portion it out well.

I am talking about guarding your time.


If you are running around with both ends burning, and exhausted, and overwhelmed, then you may be being foolish with your time or giving to anyone or anything that ask. And the concern is eventually you will burn out, take it from somebody who was getting ready to burn out before quarantine hit.

The first week of quarantine I’m just sitting on my couch exhausted and not able to move and all of these major events were being canceled and secretly I was thankful to not have to do them, because most of them I was in charge of and I was tired. I was using up all my time or really my time was using up me.

Jesus becomes the perfect example of how to do this well.

Jesus was busy for the kingdom. But even he budgeted his time, even within the ministry.

You don’t need to save the world, Jesus died for that.

You don’t need to pick up every good cause, it might not be your cause.

You don’t need to be everything to everyone, Jesus is.

How do you be healthy in your time?

Budget it. Budget your time.

I know this sounds weird but at the beginning of the year I budgeted my time and figured out what I was doing every 15 minutes for an entire week. It makes you think what am I spending my time on? What you spend your time on is what you value? I noticed there were some things that I was doing that other people could do. I also noticed there were a lot of things that I was doing that held no eternal value. There were some causes that I had picked up that were good but not part of the race that God had given me to run. There were some events that I didn’t need to show up at because I was neglecting my family and some work that I was doing the same. (we good now due to quarantine)

-Spending Time With the Lord (Be Generous in this Area)

If you are too Busy for God, You are too Busy!!

I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer. –Martin Luther

-Work (School) (You need to Be Active)

Proverbs 21:31 say “A horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory is of the Lord.


-Church and Ministry

There will be times that people will ask me to do this thing or come to this event and I will just say I can’t because I have already budgeted my time out for the week, month, and honestly even year.

I want to run the race and finish strong.

Generous but Not Foolish With Your Money

Now all kinds of people are going to have all kinds of things to say about this so I want to be as biblical as I can. It is important to be generous with our money. In fact the bible says… Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Psalm 112:5 It is well with the man who deals generously and lends, who conducts his affairs with justice. 2 Corinthians 9:11 You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

How do you be healthy in your Money?

Generosity within the church is important.

Tithing is important and biblical. It is where we should start.

Over and over again you see the command to give and the blessings that come from it. So, ten percent is the Lords right when your money comes in. Generous.

Budget it. Budget your money so that you are not foolish with it.

You can’t be generous with something that you don’t really have. If you are having to go into debt to be generous that is foolish. If you have given and budgeted for tithe bills, family, and future, and there is nothing left, then there is nothing left.

Now people love when you are foolish with your money because they benefit from it.

Because sometimes our generosity is just really enabling. You are enabling them to keep up that pattern of foolishness in their lives. For example, you are generous and help pay the electric bill so that they can just go out to the club again. Another example is you are generous and help with a need because they used all the money to eat out the week before.

Now I have a great example in Ted (and he has given me permission) of times that generosity has been foolish. My favorite story and there are many is early in our marriage on Valentine’s day while we are living at the old building and he decides to “help” someone get a bus ticket to Lake Charles. Did I mention this was on Valentine’s day? I was livid to say the least. Finally, I decided to go with him, we bought the man to New Orleans, we bought the ticket, left, and the next day we see him riding his bike right next to the building.

Generous but Foolish. It is great to be generous, and if you have much and the bills are paid and your future is secure, be generous. If you see a need to fulfill it. If you see a concern to be able to help in some way. JUST DON’T BE FOOLISH!!

More in Generous Kind Grateful

November 15, 2020

Choosing Gratefulness

November 8, 2020

Be Kind